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Morocco Mission Trip

NCBC is sending a team of 9 adults to the Rabat International Church to serve for 10 days in August where we will help run an outreach oriented VBS for children ages 5-11, lead a youth discipleship program for ages 12-18, prepare a seminar for adults, and preach on a Sunday morning.

Bring your family on July 21 to a vision and lunch fundraiser from 12:30-2:00 PM at New Covenant Bible Church. We will introduce our team and give an overview of the ministry in Morocco with two short videos from a Moroccan pastor and his wife and from the pastor of the Rabat International Church. The lunch is free, but you will have an opportunity to donate towards the trip and ministry in Morocco. Please register so we can be sure to have enough food.

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How to donate:

  • Give online
  • Place cash or checks payable to New Covenant Bible Church (write "Morocco" on the memo line of your check or offering envelope) in the donation box in the lobby next to the sanctuary doors.