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A New "Picture" Of Realm

The last few weeks we have been introducing you to our new church family database called “Realm”. This will allow you to access contact information, pictures and other group information from our church. ...

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2018 Year End Announcement

2018 Year End Announcement ...

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Erica's Testimony on Father's Day

Last year at this time, I was home, crying. Going to church was out of the question. I had recently lost my dad. I wanted nothing do with church or God. I was angry. I actively contemplated taking my life to end the agonizing pain of being without my dad. It didn't matter to me that I had a husband who loved me or three boys who needed their mommy or a niece who needed m...

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What Do We Mean By "Gospel Care"?

What exactly is “gospel care”? Perhaps you have asked yourself that question as this term has been increasingly heard at New Covenant in recent weeks....

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Disasters, Prayer, Hope

The horrific damage of Hurricane Harvey is hard to imagine. The death toll so far is around 70 precious lives. The hurricane caused severe flooding because it hovered once it hit dry land, dropping around 40-50 inches of rain in only one part in Texas. Scientists are calling it the “1-in-a-1,000-year flood.” How can we respond?...

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Serving The Next Generation

What comes to mind when you think of the children at New Covenant? Gift? Joy? Future? Potential? Nuisance? Necessary evil? At New Covenant, we want to be a church that truly loves children well....

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Holy Husbands-Faithful Fathers

Another mother’s day has come and gone, and it is incumbent on all husbands and fathers to remember the call of scripture to model godliness as a holy husband and a faithful father so that appreciation for moms doesn’t just occur on one Sunday per year....

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Yahweh Nissi

How many of you have connected the name Yahweh Nissi with your wayward son or daughter? I know I hadn’t....

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What The Bible Teaches About Crossing Cultures

As our neighborhoods, schools and workplaces become more and more ethnically diverse, how should we respond? What cues can we as believers take from Scripture that will make us more ethnic friendly and winsome?...

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A Servant Song From Isaiah

Last February, a second-hour Sunday morning class began a study of Isaiah 52:13-53:12, the last and most well-known of four servant songs in Isaiah. ...

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