The Call To Persevere
Have you ever considered how the New Testament speaks of the Christian’s life as a fight or intense struggle? A brief survey of the NT will reveal this truth....
Keep ReadingSeptember 28, 2011 | Category: Life Together
Have you ever considered how the New Testament speaks of the Christian’s life as a fight or intense struggle? A brief survey of the NT will reveal this truth....
Keep ReadingSeptember 21, 2011 | Category: Life Together
Years ago, the China Inland Mission discovered that at one particular mission station there were far more converts, and those converts were growing stronger spiritually than anyone ever expected. They tried to analyze what was happening, but they didn't find anything extraordinary about the staff there. The mystery remained unsolved until Hudson Taylor, founder of the Chin...
Keep ReadingSeptember 14, 2011 | Category: Life Together
Does God have a Plan B? Does God need contingency plans? Perhaps these questions confronted you last week when you read Genesis 6:6 in our Bible reading plan. ...
Keep ReadingSeptember 7, 2011 | Category: Life Together
“What does this have to do with real life?!†Have you ever heard someone (perhaps one of your children) ask that question after reading a passage in the Bible? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I am sure we all have. The practical application of Scripture is not always immediately evident, but the realities of everyday life always seem to be. ...
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