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Archives for February 2012

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Our Mission Together

What is the mission of the church? One expert on this topic has declared that everything the church does and can do is mission. While another has lamented that if everything is mission, nothing is mission. Recently, pastor-authors Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert asked this question in a book by the same title. I trust you will be encouraged by the conclusion they came to ba...

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The End Of All Things

What will happen when your part in the tale of life is finished? What will the end of all things be like? God pulls back the curtain and reveals the true end of all things in Revelation 21:1-22:5. He doesn't give us all the details, but he gives us enough information to keep us going in the fight of faith....

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Receiving Criticism

David Sunday mentioned this article in his sermon this morning...

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The Cross and Criticism

David Sunday mentioned this article in his sermon this morning....

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Speaking of Love....Speaking in Love

This is the week in February that love is celebrated and expressed through the gifts of flowers and cards. However, for various reasons, many people feel a bit left out of the celebration, so I would like us to think together about a love that includes all of us - a love that is more profound than the words expressed in a Hallmark card - a love that changes us and calls us...

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Hope In The Darkest Hour

One of my favorite quotes these past couple years comes from Charles Spurgeon: "Believe that the deepest afflictions are always neighbors to the highest joys. The greatest possible privileges lie close to the darkest trials. The more bitter your sorrow, the louder your song at the end." The book of Lamentations is perhaps the bleakest in all of Scripture. Yet at the very c...

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Notes From The Middle Of The Night

For those of you who wear glasses, you may have had the experience of going to the optometrist to get that new pair of glasses - either your prescription has changed or your lenses have become badly scratched. Whatever the reason, the optician comes to the table and places the new glasses on your face and all of a sudden, you see much clearer than before. Cancer is like ...

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