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Archives for March 2012

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My heroes have always been cowboys. Like the song says, "I grew up dreaming of being a cowboy, and loving the cowboy ways." My childhood days were spent pursuing the life of my heroes in the woods, streams, and fields around my home. My brother and I, along with our buddies, spent our days building forts, blazing trails, and establishing hideouts. Every day was a new adven...

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The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission

It's always a refreshing experience to read a book that takes thoughts you've had brewing in your own mind and elucidates them with clear and compelling words. You find yourself saying, "Yes! That's exactly what I've been thinking, but I couldn't have said it so well!" Last week I finished such a book. It thrilled me with its loads of illuminating insight....

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You Can't Get What You Want If You Want It Too Desperately

On Sunday I mentioned C.S. Lewis' struggle with the "absence of God" while he was grieving the death of his wife. He wrote, "Why is He so present a commander in our time of prosperity and so very absent a help in time of trouble?" That was in Chapter One. Last night I read the rest of the story. In Chapter Three Lewis inches toward a resolution....

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The Youth Ministry at New Covenant Bible Church

"If it's not broke . . . don't fix it!" This is pretty good advice if you are talking about a car. At least that is what I tell my wife. We often apply this same reactionary philosophy to our relationship with the next generation. "If they aren't broke, leave them alone!" We see no big, external problems and lazily fall into the trap of thinking that "it's not broke." ...

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