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Archives for March 2013

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Ephesians: The Glory of Christ in the Life of the Church

Would you use words like “glorious,” “cosmic,” or “multifaceted-wisdom” to describe church-world at New Covenant? Does it seem to you that serving in the nursery, praying with your CareGroup, or greeting a visitor to Sunday morning worship play a role in God’s grand, unfolding plan to redeem the cosmos through Jesus Christ? I doub...

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Why Does Jesus Weep? A Meditation for Palm Sunday

When Jesus entered into Jerusalem on the original Palm Sunday, his eyes were moist with tears. We often call it the Triumphal Entry, but it could just as aptly be named the Tearful Entry....

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5 Theses On Anti-intellectualism

Anti-Intellectualism is less about aptitude than attitude....

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Greetings from Mango, Togo!!

I just got back from seeing four men who are being trained as laboratory technicians for our Hospital of Hope in Mango. They started their training at our southern hospital, the Karolyn Kempton Memorial Hospital in Tsiko. ...

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