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Archives for May 2014

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If Honor, Then Honor

“All we have of freedom, all we use or know - this our fathers bought for us long and long ago.” These words by Rudyard Kipling remind us of the importance of Memorial Day. In the rush of life it’s easy to forget this truth. We need to remember that our freedom comes with a price....

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Wives & Mothers - Desiring God Blog by Gloria Furman

Is it normal to wander into the kitchen and open the refrigerator multiple times while you are standing there? (I’m asking for a friend.) It’s a mindless, yet hopeful habit. Who knows? Maybe something new to eat will appear when that little light comes on again. In a similar manner, I tend to treat the Bible like a fridge. Sometimes I stare at the words, and...

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News From Ukraine

News from Ukraine has gone from bad to worse over the last few months. Demonstrations against a corrupt government, internal divisions, intimidation on the part of Russia and separatist violence paint a very disturbing picture. But this is only part of the story. ...

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Celebrate the victory every Sunday

Posted By Ray Ortlund On February 12, 2014 - Two things should be happening in every gospel-centered church every Sunday. One, the gospel should be preached. Two, the gospel should be experienced....

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