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Book Review: "Habits Of Grace"

I highly recommend this book to everyone in the church. It’s a clear, concise, practical, and biblical guide to the spiritual disciplines, or “habits of grace” as the author helpfully describes them. ...

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Hey New Covenant, What Do You Say? The Cubs Are Going To Win Today!

Our son Zephaniah is one year old. For the first half of his life, his dad could not have cared less about the Chicago Cubs. For the second half, he has become an enthusiastic fan....

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Why Aren't Our Prayer Meetings Full?

In the midst of a very divisive election year, with all of the issues surrounding world events and candidate qualifications, we can become quite outraged at the state of our culture today. One thing many people do is talk a lot about what is wrong. But what is the strategy for doing anything about these things?...

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Review of "God's Grace and Your Suffering"

“How does God meet you in trouble, loss, disability, pain? You probably already know the ‘right answer.’ He does not immediately intervene to make everything all better. ...

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Mission Unstoppable

Join us for “Mission Unstoppable” -- Wednesday evening (6:45-7:45) No, it’s not a movie night! This is our united effort to pray together....

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Introducing Our New NCBC Treasurer

Recently a valued corporate officer of our church, Dan Campbell, decided it was time for him to step down as our treasurer ...

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Can Staff Meetings Really Be A Blessing?

As we wind down our summer schedule and begin to embrace the reality of the autumn season with its more serious, focused schedule, I thought I would start things off with a joke about this week’s subject....

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Seeing God Through The Eyes Of A Pastoral Intern

As I look back on my experiences, it is clear to me that this internship accomplished what it was intended to accomplish...

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New Sunday Morning Classes Begin This Sunday

After a month long break during late summer, we are ready to begin our next scheduled classes for adults and high school students....

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Thriving In Babylon

Anyone who has lived in America for more than forty years senses that our nation has changed dramatically in a relatively short period of time. ...

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