A New "Picture" Of Realm
The last few weeks we have been introducing you to our new church family database called “Realm”. This will allow you to access contact information, pictures and other group information from our church. Last week you saw how you can begin to GIVE online if you choose to do so. Not to worry, for those who still want to give the old way, we will continue to take up an offering each week.
If you did NOT receive a formal email to sign up for Realm, you might check your spam folder. Some have found it there.
One more reminder: To access Realm, go to the cover page of our website, newcbc.org, and find the top, far right drop-down called RESOURCES. Click on the option, REALM ONLINE COMMUNITY and look at the options.
On that page you will find links to very helpful instructions, including How to Use Realm, How to Give Online, How to Edit your Profile Information, and the one I want to address today, How to Add, Update, or Delete Your Photo.
Instead of having a prolonged time of picture taking at the church on several Sundays and making appointments to do so, we would like YOU to take your own pictures and insert them into the database following the directions on the website.
First, you will need to take a selfie, or have someone take a picture of you with a smartphone. Make sure it is just a head shot. Anything more and you will look too small on Realm. Then email it to yourself and make sure you save it in a picture file on your computer. From there you can access it following the directions on the Realm helps listed above on how to add a picture. If you don’t like the picture you added, just delete it and add a different one. You can update it at anytime.
On each individual profile page (there will be a separate one for husband, wife, and one for each of your children) you will see two dots below the box where you will insert your picture. One is for your personal picture, the other is for a family picture. This is new to this database. Now we can see what you look like up close AND see a picture of your whole family! By the way, you can update pictures of your children every year, since they tend to look older at a quicker rate than adults do. (Right?!)
As we ALL become more familiar with Realm, we will be adding more helps in this Resource section of Realm Online Community. Make sure you check these first before calling the office to get help. However, we are happy to help if these resources are unclear or unhelpful.
At this time of year when many of us are taking pictures, especially family pictures, this would be a great time to insert that picture in Realm so we ALL can see it.
May you all experience the “good tidings of comfort and joy” that only comes through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with Us.
More in Church Blog
January 17, 2019
A New "Picture" Of RealmDecember 5, 2018
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