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Message from Born Again & Salvation Churches in Ukraine

Message from Valery Antonuk at Born Again & Salvation Churches in Ukraine:

As you know the situation in Ukraine in recent days. Russia has deployed military units in Crimea and has started to seize Ukrainian military installations.

Ukraine has asked for and is awaiting help from Europe and the US.

Meetings and talks are taking place, but in the mean time Russia is acting. We are asking for prayer for Ukraine, because our country has been invaded by a foreign army that is occupying parts of our territory. You may have seen this in the news.

All this week evangelical churches throughout our country are fasting and praying. Please support us in America.

God has allowed this difficult time so that our country might cleanse itself of sin and serve God.

We hope that all Ukrainians will begin to call on God for His mercy.

Today our Ukrainian military bases have started to conscript men for the mobilization of our army. Some of our church members have been called up.

We believe that the Lord wants to continue to lead us in this difficult time. Our hope is in Him.

Valery Antonuk

Note from Steve Palmer, GO Team

This is a troubling time for Ukraine, and for friends of Ukraine. We are saddened by the news of injuries, loss of life and military mobilization. Still, we can be confident that things are developing exactly as God has planned, for His glory and for the good of His people. The escalating tension has made many in Ukraine more open to conversations about God and their eternal destiny. Our friends in Poltava have not ignored the opportunity. From prayer meetings to new Bible studies to evangelism at public gatherings they have been pointing the people of their city to the only true source of hope and security - Jesus Christ. We can praise God for the reports of hundreds of New Testaments and tracts distributed, people coming to learn more about the Bible, and praying to receive Christ at protest meetings.

Postponement of the mission trip:

Pastor David Sunday, Doug Dunton, along with Steve & Darcy Palmer were planning to go to Poltava at the end of this month. Due to all the upheaval there the trip has been postponed until September 21-30. They will be doing a Pre-pastoral training conference with regional pastors as a means of establishing a pastoral training initiative there.