Weekly Club
Awana is an international Bible-based program that wants to see all children and youth throughout the world come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. The acronym AWANA is from the first letters of "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" in 2 Timothy 2:15.
New Covenant Bible Church offers:
- Cubbies for boys and girls (preschool/age 3 by September 1)
- Sparks for boys and girls (grades K-2)
- T&T for boys and girls (grades 3-5)
Clubs meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM beginning September 4.
Each meeting, clubbers participate in teaching times, worship/music, Bible memorization and game time.
Parent Handbook (includes Awana calendar)
To learn more about Awana, contact the Children's Ministry Director–Megan Stewart.