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Global Impact



There was no ‘mission’ before sin entered the world and there will be no ‘mission’ in the new heaven and new earth, but meanwhile, the church is God’s embassy on earth to spread the good news. Jesus primarily gave the priority to “make disciples of all nations” to the local church. Jesus viewed mission with urgency. He told us that "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Luke 10:2). Our church is commissioned and empowered by God to minister in both word and deed locally and globally (see Acts 1:8).

The priorities in our Local and Global mission philosophy are as follows:

  1. Pioneer evangelism and church planting among the least reached.
  2. Training of church planters and pastors.
  3. Strengthening the global church through training and theological education.
  4. Development projects that lead to lasting community change.
  5. Partners trained and sent who reflect our theology, methodology, and have a relationship with our church.

Our aim in partnerships is to go few and deep. The Sending Network is designed to pray regularly, mobilize our church to know our partners well, encourage and inform the congregation for prayer, connect and hold our partners in healthy accountability, labor with them to see their work flourish, and to visit and/or send short-term teams.

For more information, contact Pastor Patrick Havens.