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Gospel Communities

Each Gospel Community is a small group of Christ-learners from NCBC who are committed to moving toward maturity in Christ through community, mutual discipleship, and mission.

Here's the snapshot:

  • 6-12 people who gather in homes or at church 
  • Open to men and women, single and married
  • Locations arranged geographically to best serve busy schedules
  • Leaders receive ongoing training
  • New leaders (apprentices) are developed for multiplication 

Learn more about our ministry philosophy, purpose, core values and vision.

Why call it a “Gospel Community”?

The gospel means “good news.” It is the basic message that God made Christ who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through union with Christ we are not only brought into a personal relationship with God, but we are also brought into a new family made up of other believers in Jesus Christ. A “Gospel Community” displays that truth! Our Sunday morning gathering is a larger living illustration of the power of the gospel to save and transform a people. Therefore, a Gospel Community is a smaller reflection of that reality in our homes and neighborhoods.


We encourage participation in a Gospel Community because it’s a great way to get to know people in our church and take steps toward maturity in Christ.


Gospel Communities meet 3-4 times a month in the fall and spring with seasonal breaks over holidays and summer.

Meeting format

Gospel Communities meet for about 1.5 hrs. Most meetings include fellowship, discussing how the sermon or other topics can impact our lives, praying for one another, and exploring how to have an outward impact.


Each Gospel Community decides how to best care for their children during meetings. 

How to join

Register button

Once you register online, Patrick Havens will place you in a group. 

Questions? Contact Patrick Havens.