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Financial Partnership

As a church, we partner together in God's mission both locally and around the world. Here are options for you to partner with us financially.

Charitable giving options for money include:

  • Online Giving one-time or recurring gifts online is secure and convenient. We prefer ACH, which is a withdrawal from a bank account. ACH fees are lower, so more of your contribution goes to the church. Credit and debit cards are also accepted.
  • Automatic bank pay Log in to your bank's website and follow their instructions to set up New Covenant Bible Church as a new payee. You can set this up as a one-time or recurring gift.
  • Text Text "newcbc" to 73256 to receive a secure link for giving online.
  • In person Place cash or checks payable to New Covenant Bible Church into offering plates passed during most worship services or in the donation box in the lobby next to the sanctuary doors.
  • Mail - Mail checks to New Covenant Bible Church at 4N780 Randall Road, St. Charles, IL 60175. To contribute to a specific fund, such as the Love In Action benevolence fund, indicate the fund in the memo on your check.

To gift other types of assets, contact New Covenant at 630-584-2611.