To God Be Glory in the Church
To God Be Glory in the Church
Dear New Covenant Family,
Ephesians 3:20-21 elevates our hope in what God can do through His church:
Now to him who is able
to do far more abundantly that all that we ask or think,
according to the power at work within us,
to him be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
forever and ever. Amen.
I rejoice in the numerous ways God is at work in His Church, and in this article I want to highlight three reasons for us to be encouraged.
Living Hope Bible Church
May God be glorified through the new church that has been formed out of the merger between Grace Community Bible Church of Roselle and Tabernacle Baptist Church of Hanover Park. This new church is called Living Hope Bible Church ( The church worships as an English congregation at the Gary Avenue facility in which GCBC had met, and as a Spanish congregation at the Barrington Road facility that belonged to Tabernacle. Living Hope Bible Church is led by Pastor Matthew Black and a council of elders who have joined together from both former congregations. Let us join them in prayer as they celebrate their dedication service on Sunday, January 15, at 3:00 PM at 6N171 Gary Avenue in Roselle. Pastor John Sale will be present from California to deliver the dedicatory sermon. Friends from New Covenant are warmly invited to attend this service.
The Church at Prayer
Our first monthly evening of prayer this past Wednesday was well-attended, and I trust everyone was greatly encouraged as I was. Later this week I read a brief article by John Piper in which he stressed the spiritual profitability of corporate prayer. What he said struck a chord in me—may it encourage all of you to continue to join with us in one accord as we earnestly pray together the first Wednesday evening of each month.
One of the values of praying together, in fact, is that it can cut the root of pride by exposing us to the humility and heart-searching longings that get expressed in the prayers of others. My own prayers have often been reproved and corrected and deepened just by being in a group of godly people of prayer.
In fact, I wonder if we should expect our private prayer life to advance in maturity and depth and intensity if we never pray with others who can lift us higher and take us deeper. Wouldn't that be like expecting a young person to become a gifted conversationalist, but always sending him away to play by himself whenever there was a serious conversation?
The Power of Reading God’s Word Together
One of the testimonies that was shared in our prayer meeting highlighted the joy that has been experienced as we have united in reading the Bible together as a congregation. This week we are diving back into the Behold Our God Bible Reading Plan with readings in the Life & Psalms of David. As Peter says, to this Word we “will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in [our] hearts” (2 Pet. 1:19).
Our preaching schedule on Sunday mornings is designed to complement the Bible reading plan—for those of you who like to know in advance, here is what we have planned from now through Palm Sunday.
Your brother in Christ our All,
David Sunday
Jan. 15
Overshadowed: God's Commitment to Those Who Seek Refuge in Him
Psalm 91
Jan. 22 | Sanctity of Life Sunday
Dignified: How Infant Mouths Declare God's Majesty
Psalm 8
Jan. 29
Besieged: David's Mighty Fortress Amidst Saul's Envious Rage
1 Sam. 18-26 & Psalm 59
Feb. 5
Befriended: How Jonathan Reflects God's Covenant Love
1 Sam. 18-20
Feb. 12 | Communion Sunday
Remembered: David's Kindness toward Mephibosheth
2 Sam. 9
Feb. 19
Rebuked: Nathan's Confrontation of David
2 Sam. 12, Psalm 141:5
Feb. 26 | First Sunday in Lent
Revived: Repentance Brings Fresh Joy in the Lord
Psalm 32
March 4 | Second Sunday in Lent
Chastised: Absalom's Revolt
2 Sam. 15-17, Psalm 3
March 11 | Third Sunday in Lent & Communion
Forsaken... But Not Forgotten!
Psalm 22
March 18 | Fourth Sunday in Lent
Shepherded: God's Tender Attentiveness
Psalm 23:1-4
March 25 | Fifth Sunday in Lent
Hosted: God's Generous Hospitality
Psalm 23:5-6
April 1 | Palm Sunday
Exalted: The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory!
Psalm 24
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