Patrick Adams Begins An Internship At NCBC
After his resurrection, one of the last things that Jesus said before ascending into heaven was that we are to make disciples. Matthew 28:19-20 records Jesus saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus’ command to make disciples is often called the Great Commission, and it should be on our minds often as a church. We have been praying this year that a culture of disciple-making would be growing in our church. David Sunday said in his year-end letter that “We are praying that the Lord will help us become more effective in training future leaders, in discipling new believers, and in encouraging a culture where every believer sees himself or herself as a ‘disciple-maker.’ This isn’t something that a mere program can accomplish -- it’s a mindset that needs to become a central part of our identity. We hope that by this time next year, measurable progress will have been made toward this goal.”
Disciple-making is an aspect of everything that we do as a church: global outreach and missions, worship, preaching and teaching, CareGroups, parenting, personal evangelism, etc. But for today’s article, I want to focus on just one aspect of disciple-making: training future leaders. In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul says to Timothy, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Many have commented on the four layers that are mentioned here: Paul invested in Timothy who invested in faithful men who invested in others.
There are many ways that we seek to train and develop leaders at New Covenant, but for today’s article, I want to narrow our focus again to just one aspect of training future leaders: internships. Part of our Christmas offering this past year was used for the seeding of an internship fund that we can use to invest in young men who demonstrate an aptitude for vocational ministry. The church showed great support by giving very generously toward this internship fund.
The elders have asked Patrick Adams to begin an internship at New Covenant that will officially beginning April 1. Patrick’s internship will have a focus and emphasis primarily in the worship ministries at New Covenant under the leadership of Dan Huff. Many of you already know Patrick as he has already been involved on the worship team, helping with Audio Video (A/V) and technology, and serving in the children’s ministry with his wife, Amanda.
Patrick and Amanda Adams met at Master’s College in California where Patrick was studying counseling. They now live in West Chicago and Amanda is finishing her M.A. from Wheaton Graduate School. Amanda grew up at Fox Valley Bible Church and was already attending New Covenant, but they have been at our church as a couple since they were married in June of 2013. They have already been a great gift to our church.
Patrick also has some expertise in areas that will serve our church. He has already been helping us in areas of computer technology. He also has experience as a sound engineer for a church and can help us with our A/V team and provide training for those who volunteer. He has experience in music: leading worship, singing, guitar, bass, and drums. Dan Huff can continue to disciple and invest in Patrick as they talk through theological principles that drive our corporate worship.
Patrick demonstrates a humble, teachable spirit. He has a hunger to learn and a love for the local church. As we have observed these qualities in him, we think that he is a prime candidate for an internship. He will be meeting regularly with members of the pastoral staff for discipleship, reading different books that we have assigned to him, helping lead worship services, and doing many other things behind the scenes.
We are excited to see how God will use us to help Patrick develop into a godly leader, and we are excited to see how God will use Patrick to help our church as well. Please be praying that Patrick’s internship will bear much fruit for the glory of God.
Gratefully serving with you,
Dan Leeper
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