Seminary Student Special Fund
During our recent “Celebrate the Church” evening service, the NCBC elders were excited to share news about the creation of a special Seminary Student Fund that members of our church community have an opportunity to contribute to. We believe the establishment of this fund aligns with our gospel inspired leadership goal that encourages the mentoring and development of future local church leaders. As part of this church leadership development vision, we created a part-time Pastoral internship position. This position allows candidates selected by the elder team to work with our New Covenant Pastoral staff. Our internship is designed to provide Pastoral work experience as well as spiritual mentorship.
This year Blake Glosson, who is leading the NCBC young adults ministry called The Rock, is participating as our Pastoral Intern. During this internship he has prayerfully considered a Pastoral “calling” and recently was accepted to a 5 year online seminary degree program at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. The idea of setting up this special Seminary Student Fund is to help seminary candidates such as Blake further their seminary education. Only seminary candidates who have been approved by our elder counsel will qualify to receive this scholarship funding assistance. Because New Covenant is not a part of a specific church denomination that usually provides seminary tuition funding relief, this scholarship assistance from our congregation is especially needed.
As you prayerfully consider contributing to this special fund that will be a tangible encouragement to our seminary school candidates, please keep in mind the following:
- You must specifically designate on your offering your intention to contribute to this special fund by marking it as “Seminary Student Fund”.
- All fund contributions go into this general fund and cannot be specifically designated to any one seminary candidate as the funds will be equally and fairly divided based on the number of elder approved seminary candidates.
- Because this is a special designated church fund, all funds not used in that current year will be rolled over into the next church calendar year.
- Finally, our church may designate a certain budgeted amount towards the fund above and beyond designated congregation contributions each year, at the discretion of our elder financial subcommittee.
- Because of non-profit organizational guidelines, seminary students benefiting from this fund may not directly contribute—only their family and friends.
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