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Archives for June 2013

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How Can A Young Person Keep His Way Pure?

I asked some of the teens at New Covenant the following question recently in a Sunday school class: how can a young person keep his way pure? When you look at today’s culture, the question seems very relevant. Young people are surrounded by temptation. ...

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Please Pardon Our Dust

I am sure you have heard it said of Illinois (and this entire region of the country), “There are two seasons around here: winter and construction!” As you drive, or attempt to drive, around this certainly seems to be the case. Even in many of our neighborhoods where just a couple of years ago there seemed to be foreclosures on every street, new homes are being ...

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Speaking For The Lowly

“Hattie, if I could use a pen as you do, I would write something to make this nation feel what a wicked thing slavery is.” According to family legend, upon reading these words from her sister-in-law, Harriet Beecher Stowe rose up from her chair, crumpled the letter in her hand and vowed, “I will write something, I will if I live.”...

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