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Living As Missionaries

When I was 14, I went down to Monterrey, Mexico with my church for my first mission trip, and then I went back every summer for the next 5 years. Monterrey is a large metropolitan area that is located at the base of a mountain. One night, we drove up to a lookout point over the city, and I remember seeing what seemed like millions of streetlights sprawling out in front of ...

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Come, Let Us Sing

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. One of the main reasons I enjoy it so much is the music. At times, it seems like the whole world is singing about it—even when they try to keep it from happening by calling it a holiday instead of Christmas. It still seeps out everywhere because you can’t suppress such a joyous message. It all started at the birth o...

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Looking Ahead To 2015

With Christmas quickly approaching, we wanted to prepare you for a few events that are just around the corner in the new year....

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A Hammer And A Fire

George Whitefield was one of the primary instruments God used in the First Great Awakening. This revival and renewal of religion swept portions of Europe as well as parts of the American colonies between the 1730s and the 1770s. He often preached outside in the fields and wherever a crowd would gather. Many church officials were greatly displeased that a preacher would do ...

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From Gloom To Gratitude

In Psalm 77, the psalmist didn’t feel grateful. He felt gloomy. "Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? Has his steadfast love forever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger shut up his compassion?" -Psalm 77:7-9...

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Women's Bible Study

This fall, approximately 45 women, meeting either on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings, have been gathering together for a Bible Study entitled, “Meeting the King: A Study in the Gospel of Mark,” by Cindy Cochrum. We have been joyfully engaged in this study of the life of Christ as passed on to Mark by the apostle Peter. ...

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A Life-Long Undertaking

Let me begin with a question: How many years would you devote to working on a project or task? One year? Five years? Would you consider ten years? James Strong spent thirty-five years putting his concordance together. You read correctly: thirty-five years....

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The Personal Persistent Presence Of Jesus

We live in challenging times. The other day I was listening to a talk show while driving when a caller asked the host, “What should I be more concerned about-Ebola or ISIS?” Fifty years ago,before the acceleration of worldwide inter-connectedness, that would have been a mute question....

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Ambassadors For Christ

Have you ever thought about what your dream job would be? How about a teacher or maybe a doctor or perhaps a US senator? What would your perfect job description look like? The options are almost unlimited…...

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What We Love About "The Gospel Project For Kids"

Beginning in September, we began using a new curriculum called the “Gospel Project for Kids” for our children’s classes on Sunday mornings. And so far, we love it! The teachers and the children have been enjoying this together, and I think that God is using it and will continue to use it to bear good fruit in the families at New Covenant....

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